Now Download Mathematics formula booklet for IITJEE Main/Adv by JEEMAIN.GURU

- Complex Number
- Theory of Equation (Quadratic Equation)
- Sequence & Progression(AP, GP, HP, AGP, Spl. Series)
- Permutation & Combination
- Determinant
- Matrices
- Logarithm and their properties
- Probability
- Function
- Inverse Trigonometric Functions
- Limit and Continuity & Differentiability of Function
- Differentiation & L’ hospital Rule
- Application of Derivative (AOD)
- Integration (Definite & Indefinite)
- Area under curve (AUC)
- Differential Equation
- Straight Lines & Pair of Straight Lines
- Circle
- Conic Section (Parabola , Ellipse , Hyperbola )
- Binomial Theorem and Logarithmic Series
- Vector & 3-D
- Trigonometry-1 (Compound Angle)
- Trigonometry-2 (Trigonometric Equations & Inequations)
- Trigonometry-3 (Solutions of Triangle)
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