Hello aspirants, JEE exam is a perfect example of how a student can score maximum in the exam by having the best focus and memorizing capacity. Therefore, Mock tests plays a very vital role in the JEE exam for Top scores. Now coming back to the question that How to attempt it?

What to attempt first?
Firstly, to attempt a question paper it should have a good plan of action and strategy to handle the paper not also to save time and score maximum.
- Secondly, there are several methods to solve a paper by different educators and teachers but the best method for you will be yours! In simple language you have to give some mock tests on your own and experiment & observe that in which technique you can score maximum. For example, in 1st MOCK TEST you attempted in the chronological order of PMC then in 2nd MOCK TEST ,the method you followed the chronological order of PCM or maybe CMP or CPM or whatever it maybe. Now you have to decide and analyze that which method gives you the maximum score, that’s the SUPERMAN method for you! Just go for it.
Few Best suggested methods to solve one:
Firstly, you can finish 7 to 8 easiest questions of the paper of every subject PCM, then go for medium type question then go for most tough ones.
- Secondly, you should leave those questions which has been asked from those chapter that you haven’t studied even if you try hard enough you can’t solve them or even if you try you would feel that one of them from the 4 options might be correct, that’s how JEE QUESTION PAPER SETTER tricks you with. Be aware from that!
- Thirdly, you should first attempt easy question first as they will give much confidence and then medium and hard because if attempting them first it might depresses you only if they are tough / unsolvable
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xx50aRm3H8E )
Written and edited by – Kshitiz
E-mail à(yokkharsh12@gmail.com)