Hello aspirants, MOCK TESTS play a very vital role in JEE or NEET preparation. But many students just give mock tests and don’t do the analysis of that MOCK TEST, now in analysis, we just need to check out the wrong/unattempted questions and just try it again and also grasp the theory related to it for all the 3 subjects.
Now while doing an analysis you should keep some general rules in mind for better outcomes:
- Make a separate notebook/copy (Register type) for noting down all the general, unattempted,or wrong questions.
- Try to write questions that you attempted wrong in the test in that copy and with a small simple solution.
- Don’t write full questions/answers try to write by using abbreviations and you may use any language for better understanding, say it Hindi, eng, Bengali, Tamil, etc for better understanding in 2nd or 3rd-time revisions.
- Also, try to mention the theory related to it after the solution
- You may use different colors of the pen so that notes will be easy to read.
Important information
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How does analysis help?
- Firstly, revise this analysis before the next MOCK TEST
- Secondly, it will help to decrease the scopes of mistakes.
- Thirdly, if you did your analysis for the previous test honestly then you will definitely face a similar question in the future and solve it very easily
- Also before the exams, you can revise this analysis copy and regain some confidence
From where one can give MOCK TESTS?
- Most of the coaching institutes have it but the best is NTA ABHYAS TEST (FREE)
- Other good MOCK TESTS (SUBSCRIPTION REQUIRED) are also by:
- 1)Allen Resonance FIITJEE
- 2)Bansal Etoos
- Preferably pick from the top 3 after some self-research that which AITS (All India Test Series) suits you.
- Moreover, you should also give Previous Year Question Papers for knowing the pattern of JEE MAINS
Difficulties in Mock /AITS exam:
- Don’t be depressed or sad if you scored low in the Mock/AITS exam, you will automatically increase your marks by regularly giving Mock/AITS tests
- Generally, students score fewer marks/rank in Mock/AITS but that’s how all students gradually increase their respective marks.
- Don’t panic during Mock/AITS tests thinking about your past result just focus on your present test
- Don’t give Mock/AITS tests every day, instead:
- For class 11: Try to give it once/twice per week
- For class 12: Try to give it once/twice per week initially, try to give 3 to 4 times per week after all your concepts and Syllabus is completed
Post by kshitiz